Angela Bailey, Knowbility

UX Research and Accessibly Introduction In a world where technology infiltrates almost every aspect of life, how does one make sure the products are usable and accessible? The answer is through the practice of user experience (UX). User experience is a person or user’s overall experience when using an online product e.g. websites or online… Continue Reading Angela Bailey, Knowbility

Anna Provenzano, National Park Service at Grand Canyon National Park

Archaeology with the National Park Service: A Summer of Cultural History at Grand Canyon National Park Mission of the National Park Service: “The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations” ( In the summer of 2015, I completed… Continue Reading Anna Provenzano, National Park Service at Grand Canyon National Park

Winter Calaway, SmartRevenue Inc.

For the past seven months, I have worked for a market research firm and (with the assistance of Dr. Hadder) was also able to use this time as an internship through my graduate program in the Department of Anthropology at Texas State University. Prior to this, I was knowledgeable that market research firms hired anthropologists… Continue Reading Winter Calaway, SmartRevenue Inc.

Mallory Love, Austin Auctions & Gallery

This semester, I interned at Austin Auction And Gallery. During the time I have worked for Austin Auction, I had many responsibilities that have enriched my work experience. My interest in fine art, antiques, and artifacts helped in my decision to choose this internship. The auction house is an incredible place in which I was… Continue Reading Mallory Love, Austin Auctions & Gallery