Regan Box, International Services Internship at the American Red Cross

An Application of Anthropological Theories to Diversity Research During the spring semester of 2019, I interned with the American Red Cross in the International Services Division. My internship took place with the Central and South Texas chapter of the Red Cross in Austin, which is responsible for the cities of Austin, San Antonio, Midland, Bryan/College… Continue Reading Regan Box, International Services Internship at the American Red Cross

Kelsey Lee, San Marcos River Foundation

During fall 2015, I interned with the San Marcos River Foundation (SMRF), a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the quality, flow, and beauty of both San Marcos Springs and San Marcos River. As an intern with SMRF, I was a participant in public outreach, land restoration through conservation, volunteer work days, Price Center maintenances, and… Continue Reading Kelsey Lee, San Marcos River Foundation

Lora LaPree, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation

In the fall of 2015, I conducted internships with Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation in San Antonio, Texas and with All Things Wild Rehabilitation in Austin, Texas.  Both organizations aid injured and orphaned wildlife by offering medical treatments and a safe location to grow to an appropriate release size.  This report will describe both organizations, discuss… Continue Reading Lora LaPree, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation

Lindsay Vermillion, Shumla Archaeology Research and Education Center

Research Intern for Shumla Archaeology Research & Education Center Summer 2015 I conducted my internship at the Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center as a research intern for the 2015 summer field session. I participated first hand in Shumla’s documentation and preservation methods in rock art research on the field and the lab.  During the… Continue Reading Lindsay Vermillion, Shumla Archaeology Research and Education Center

Anna Provenzano, National Park Service at Grand Canyon National Park

Archaeology with the National Park Service: A Summer of Cultural History at Grand Canyon National Park Mission of the National Park Service: “The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations” ( In the summer of 2015, I completed… Continue Reading Anna Provenzano, National Park Service at Grand Canyon National Park