Alexandra Cloyd, Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera

Over the Fall 2013 semester I interned with Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera, translated into English as Austin so close to the border. ATCF is a small NGO formerly part of the larger organization the American Friends Service committee. They focus on issues at the border and seek to educate the Austin community about… Continue Reading Alexandra Cloyd, Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera

Jessica Herrmann, Communities In Schools

My internship was with Communities in Schools as a tutor and mentor to students considered at-risk. CIS is a drop-out prevention program that targets at-risk students. Students are considered at-risk for a series of reasons including social, financial, emotional, academic, and cognitive impairments. These impairments can make it difficult for student to stay in school,… Continue Reading Jessica Herrmann, Communities In Schools

Bill Sheets, El Centro Hispano de San Marcos

In the summer of 2013 my internship and attention were concentrated on Dr. Ana Juarez’s ongoing research concerning Mexican-American religious communities in San Marcos, Texas. I first became involved with the research project as part of Dr. Juarez’s ethnographic research methods course in spring 2013. My internship and Dr. Juarez’s research was to culminate into… Continue Reading Bill Sheets, El Centro Hispano de San Marcos

Michael Anstice, Hospice Austin

I conducted an internship with Hospice Austin in the Bereavement Services Department in the summer of 2013.  I am currently a graduate student in the Department of Anthropology, and am writing my thesis on end-of-life care, decisions regarding hospice care, and what effects these decisions may have on family dynamics.  My internship thus served two… Continue Reading Michael Anstice, Hospice Austin