Ashley Falk, Texas Biomedical Research Institute

I conducted an internship at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute in the spring of 2013.  My internship supervisor, Dr. Anthony Comuzzie, is currently working on projects that study the genetics of coronary artery disease in Alaskan Natives, the genetics of atherosclerosis in Mexican Americans, and a study on diet and genotype in primate atherosclerosis. The… Continue Reading Ashley Falk, Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Maureen Purcell, Texas Biomedical Research Institute

In the spring of 2013 I interned at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute under a biological anthropologist whose laboratory investigates osteoarthritis (OA) using baboon skeletal remains. This internship opportunity allowed me to develop a hypothesis to further the team’s research goals relating to manifestation of OA symptoms and severity of OA.  I became part of… Continue Reading Maureen Purcell, Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Chrissy White, Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State

I chose to pursue an internship at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State (FACTS).  The FACTS staff includes: Dr. Daniel Wescott, Director; Drs. Kate Spradley and Michelle Hamilton, Faculty; and Ms. Sophia Mavroudas, Coordinator. Interns typically work most directly with the lab coordinator, Ms. Mavroudas, who assigns tasks, performs all required training, and provides… Continue Reading Chrissy White, Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State

Elisabeth Strader, Texas Biomedical Research Institute

I chose to participate in an internship at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute during the spring of 2013 in the genetics department. I have always been interested in anthropology and it ultimately became my major, but I was not interested in genetics until I took both statistics and genetics in the spring of 2012. The… Continue Reading Elisabeth Strader, Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Bryan Heisinger, The Gault Archaeological Project

Over the course of the 2013 spring semester, I worked at the Gault research laboratory as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) intern. The Gault School of Archaeological Research provides a research center that is focused on the archaeology of the earliest peoples in the western hemisphere and their cultural antecedents. The continued protection of the… Continue Reading Bryan Heisinger, The Gault Archaeological Project